This is a space to share about all things healing. This includes Shamanic work and practices, healing from disease and trauma, connecting to the womb space, meditating, Earth Akashic healing, and more.

I started this blog when I was very sick with Lyme disease, and it has evolved as I've grown, healed, lived, and learned.

Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

Important Reminder for our Perfectionists

One of my favorite things I’ve ever channeled is “you cannot fail if you try”. I’ve channeled several variations of this message for clients, groups, and myself for several years now. And each time it’s such a brilliant reminder.

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Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

Who is Biomagnetism for?

I get this question a lot — who would actually benefit from biomagnetism? And the truth is, any person and every person would benefit.

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Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

The Secret to Healing

So many people come to me, ready to try one last thing on their healing path. They’ve tried EVERYTHING. And nothing has worked, nothing has stuck.

And you know why nothing has worked? It’s always the same answer.

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Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

Why work with me?

I have undergone significant training to do this work. I was initiated onto this path when I healed myself from Lyme disease. I have since been initiated into the Akashic Records (by my guides in the 23rd, 27th, 32nd, 48th, 72nd and 111th dimensions), completed a Shamanic apprenticeship, birthing me into my full power as an earth, star, womb shaman in this lifetime.

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Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

Akashic Quantum Healing

Are you wondering what IS my proprietary method of healing in the Akashic Records, Akashic Quantum Healing, all about? How does it work? Why would you want to learn it? Well, this blog post is for you! Read on for all the answers.

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Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

Biomagnetism: What it is and how it helped me heal Lyme

If you are familiar with my story, then you probably have heard me speak about biomagnetism before. If you’re new here, read this post, and then go to the podcast and listen to episodes seven and sixteen, where you’ll hear about my journey healing from Lyme disease using biomagnetism and energetic techniques.

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Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

What is a soul retrieval

Soul retrievals are genuinely the most powerful healing modality that I have ever found or been trained in, and have been instrumental for me in moving through everything I’ve experienced over the last month or so.

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Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

Why you need to know your Gene Keys

I’m going to tell you about one of my favorite spiritual tools: the Gene Keys.

Now, if you are familiar with Human Design, then you might have heard of the Gene Keys. Your incarnation cross in Human Design is actually made up of your gene keys - that’s where those 4 numbers come from!

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Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

How I found my (energetic) medicine

I am a shaman.

I am an Akashic Record Keeper.

I work with the elements, the animals, the trees.

I heal the layers of the body and call in the highest self to embody.

I am a priestess.

I am a womb worker.

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Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

Finding and decoding Deadness

5 years ago I withdrew from school & I went home to die

That wasn’t the story I told outwardly. I said I was going home to heal.

And that’s what I believed too, when I made the decision to go home. Never once did I want to give up, never did I want to die. Except when I got home, I realized I couldn’t see past the end of that summer. I saw no future for myself. And as I watched friends around me make plans for their futures, I was struck by the lack of future in my own life. This reminded me strongly of one of my favorite books as a child, “Little Women”, where Beth, as she gets sicker and closer to dying, tells her sisters that she no longer sees a future for herself. I felt like Beth, futureless.

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Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

How does energy get blocked in the body?

Last post I talked about toxic relationships and how they can affect the body. Now, I’m going to broaden the scope a bit and delve in further. In other words, let’s talk about how energy gets blocked in the body! What kinds of energy cause blocks and why are those blocks created?

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