Biomagnetism: What it is and how it helped me heal Lyme
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If you are familiar with my story, then you probably have heard me speak about biomagnetism before. If you’re new here, read this post, and then go to the podcast and listen to episodes seven and sixteen, where you’ll hear about my journey healing from Lyme disease using biomagnetism and energetic techniques.
Let’s dive into biomagnetism, what it is, and how I found it.
First, the scientific explanation of biomagnetism:
Biomagnetism is a scientific, revolutionary, alternative therapy using high strength magnets to balance the pH levels and create bio-energetic balance in the body. Correcting pH imbalances is an important aspect in supporting the body to feel its best. Biomagnetism is helpful in restoring balance in the body to aid in maintaining homeostasis, which helps the body heal itself. Biomagnetism stimulates immune system function, increases circulation and oxygenation, normalizes the inflammatory responses in the body, and much more. Biomagnetism is an internationally practiced therapy, and is compatible with any traditional or alternative modality.
Next, how did I discover biomagnetism?
When I was at my absolute sickest in my Lyme disease journey in 2016, I withdrew from school and came back home to pursue more aggressive treatment. At the time, my mom asked me to go with her to try a new therapy for Lyme she’d heard about, called biomagnetism.
Although I never vocalized this to anyone at the time, I knew every day that my body was dying, and unless something worked soon, I’d come home to say goodbye. My body couldn’t tolerate my treatments any longer and that same month I stopped taking nearly all the drugs I’d been taking for 2+ years because I couldn’t function at all, even to eat, with them. Also that summer my heart started to do some scary things—I’d had severe palpitations for awhile and that summer my doctors found a heart murmur that coupled with the intense palpitations was incredibly scary. So when my mom asked me to try this therapy, I thought, “why not?”
Biomagnetism was the first thing that started to save my life. Treatments started to lift some of the heaviest of the infectious load out of my body. Using biomagnetism, my therapist was able to target and eradicate endless strains of borrelia (the Lyme bacteria), babesia, bartonella, rickettsia, ehrlichia, mycoplasma, and so many more infections in my body.
That gave me just enough strength to then have my quantum/spiritual/energetic healing later that summer—when I went into remission in 30 minutes—and at my next appointment, we found that in those 30 minutes, I’d cleared so many infections, it was equivalent to at least 18 months of treatment.
(This, clearly, was the foundation for my business & the energetic work I do now).
I continued to see my biomagnetism therapist every month for years after my spontaneous remission to support my body as it regained its strength. When I went back out of remission 3 years later, she was the person who helped me bring my body back into balance using biomagnetism, and once again I was able to heal myself from all other infections present with my energetic techniques. I have found biomagnetism to be an absolutely crucial part of my healing journey. It is the only physical therapy that I use to keep myself healthy. Biomagnetism + my healing work has kept me in a state of perfect health for the last 3 years, and has completely eradicated Lyme from my body (I am no longer just in remission, I am healed).
Finally, how do I use biomagnetism to help you heal?
Biomagnetism is the most powerful physical modality that I have ever found - and I tried EVERYTHING. Biomagnetism works because it zooms right into the root causes of imbalance and illness in the body. Using muscle testing, I place magnets on your body which correspond to different pathogens. The magnets stimulate the body’s immune response, causing the body to send more white blood cells to the spaces where the pathogenic infections are held to kill them off. The body then detoxes out what has been killed off, and voila, the body is restored to a place of balance.
Biomagnetism can be used to support healing from a huge variety of illnesses and imbalances, including Lyme disease (and all co-infections that come with it), cancers, skin disorders, mental imbalances (such as depression and anxiety), HIV, Allergies, Acne, Diabetes, Migraines, and so much more.
Biomagnetism is also a complementary therapy with any of the energetic sessions I offer, such as Shamanic healing or Akashic Quantum healing. Using biomagnetism + these energetic techniques will support the body in healing on a physical and an emotional level. Working with both the physical symptoms of what is happening in our body + our internal emotional landscape is the key to healing. Biomagnetism + my work as a shaman and Akashic healer creates this perfect balance for healing.
How do you schedule a biomagnetism session?
I offer Biomagnetism and healing sessions at my office in Colorado Springs. You can learn more and book your first appointment here.
Any questions I didn’t answer? Drop them in the comments below and I’ll write another blog post to answer them all!