The Shamanic Womb Alchemy School

A 12-month Shamanic Initiation to your Womb.

The Shamanic Womb Alchemy School is designed for souls ready to experience a multi-dimensional approach to connecting to their womb.

This is a safe container for you to learn to connect with your womb via the Shamanic art of Sacred Womb Alchemy, to deepen your womb journey, to gather in community and to connect with Shannon Amrein, a Cosmic Womb Shaman and Akashic Healer in ceremony space.

There is nothing that exists that is a more powerful creative manifestor than your womb.

There is no more powerful way to heal your body or to align to your life path than via your womb.

Your womb is a cosmic and earth mirror of creation.

Being in tune with your womb is like dancing to the most flawless music. It’s truly magical.

is a reclamation…

🩸Of play
🌹Of pleasure
🩸Of healing
🌹Of the body

🌏🌎🌍And it is an OFFERING of healing to the world.

Womb Alchemy + Healing work is something we are being collectively CALLED FORWARD to learn, experience, and give our attention and energy to at this time.

Womb wisdom is soul wisdom. It is also healing wisdom and the wisdom of creation.

My experience of womb alchemy has been full of life, pleasure, and self discovery.

Womb Alchemy has given me the tools to transmute trauma and create healing in my body + world.
It has also taught me how to live in my body, in my pleasure, and in my divine creatrix energy.
It has allowed me to align with a partner who is a divine mirror, lover, and soul healer.

This work cannot be overstated in its potency and potential. Womb work WILL change your life - that’s a guarantee.

What can you expect from this journey?
~A deeper connection to your womb and sexuality + creativity than you’ve ever imagined possible before.
~A deep connection to your body + incredible healing within your mind/body/soul.
~ A connection to the cosmic womb that you can call upon in all your work moving forward
~ A deep connection to sisterhood and healing within community
~ Support as you heal and birth your power from the portal of your activated womb space.

A 12-month membership for the woman ready to cultivate a profound connection with her self and her own womb.

For the person who wants to experience deeper comfort and connection in their womb, body and spirit. To learn how to cultivate a deep connection in yourself and with your body + womb, so that you can live life feeling healthy and aligned in all areas - physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional.

For the person who feels drawn towards ancient wisdom, shamanic teachings and the deeper experiences of being alive.

For the person who’s hungry to explore other realms.

For the person who is ready to experience more health, pleasure, flow, and creativity in her life.

Included in the Womb Alchemy School:

  • Shamanic Womb Alchemy, the Womb Rites: Receive the 12 sacred rites of Womb Alchemy + Meet the 7 Sisters of the Pleiades, our womb guardians, in this course. The Womb Rites are received via shamanic journeys, and will activate you to the full power and potential of your womb space. Plus you will learn integration + embodiment techniques for each womb rite.

  • Pussy + Pleasure Reclamation: Learn how to connect with your yoni, your pleasure, and the potency of your womb in this course. You will learn about the anatomy of the womb space, experience guided embodiment practices, and connect with your pleasure + orgasm.

  • Healing Inside Out - the 10-module course that teaches you how to move through the Earth Akashic Healing method that was channeled through me and my explorations, so that you can tackle any physical, mental, emotional or spiritual issues in the 23rd dimension of the Akashic Records. Heal and shift anything in your life - from physical ailments to negative beliefs, and so much more!

  • Embodying Prosperity - heal your relationship to money, abundance and prosperity

  • An Introduction to the Runes - learn how to use the ancient wisdom and language of the Runes

  • Elemental Embodiment Journey - take shamanic journeys to each of the elements to help you heal and ground more fully into your body and onto this earth

  • New and Full Moon Rituals - learn to harness the power of our moon through various rituals and teachings

  • Masculine and Feminine Energy Reconnection - explore the duality of masculine and feminine energy in your body and in your life to bring about more safety, freedom and the power to manifest!

  • The Chakra Course - learn about the energetic system of chakras and take journeys to each of the chakras to perform healing

  • The Ego Journey - blast through upper limits and self-sabotage through shamanic journeying to various archetypes

  • The Protection Course - learn how to energetically protect yourself and your space

  • Intro to Astrology - learn the basics of astrology to start reading charts yourself

  • Meet live on the sacred holy days of the year - gather on a live call with the community to journey together shamanically on each of the 8 sacred Celtic holidays, to move consciously through the changing of the cycles and find constant guidance

  • Meet live once a week - meet with the community for 45-60 mins, every Wednesday evening at 6 PM MST, for a somatic/embodiment practice and/or a journey to whatever energy is currently the loudest for our circle

  • Create connections - talk and share with fellow womb pioneers in the community space and group chat

Important energetic + physical boundaries of this membership:

  • When you join this membership, you are committing to yourself and your womb, that you are here to do this work. The process of womb awakening is beautiful and lovely, and it is also work. It takes time, commitment, presence, and your consistent decision to show up for your practice.

  • You are welcome to do this work however you wish, and please note that if you are on hormonal birth control or have an IUD, you will need to modify some of the recommended integration techniques. Modifications will be suggested when you are ready to do these practices. You are still welcome in this space.

  • This is a container where your hand will not be held in doing this work. You must commit to showing up for yourself. You will be very supported by this space, AND no one besides you can show up for your womb.

  •  This is a year long subscription - no cancellations or refunds will be permitted. 

I teach womb alchemy because I believe that we are most connected and in tune with our bodies when we are connected to our womb and the mystical power she holds.
Working with the womb, pleasure, and sacred sexuality opens a liminal space in our reality, a place where we can more easily journey between states of being, and where we can most easily see the patterns that are playing out in our body/life/experience.

And those patterns are planted in the womb. The space of creation. That’s where they sprout from, and so to transform them, we must go back to the womb and till the soil, create space for the changes to occur, and nurture that space, lovingly.

Womb alchemy is about learning how to connect to your womb space and co-create with it.
If we combine the liminal openings of body work and pleasure with womb alchemy teachings, we have the most fertile opportunity for shadow work. Womb healing invites us to examine our deepest shadow states, including victim tendencies, powerlessness, etc, and move through shadow into healing from the root (the womb).

This work is about learning to embody the divine aspects of your womb, and therefore the divinity of your soul.

This work is exactly what I have used to heal myself from years of chronic illness, and complex trauma. Womb work is Healing work for our whole body + soul.

As a Womb Shaman, my mission is to guide you to optimize your womb awakening process. I’m here to provide you with the tools you need to open, awaken, heal, and turn on your womb + your creative power. And you will have support with this - everything provided in this membership is designed to give you the support you need to become a wildly connected WOMB WARRIOR yourself.

“If you're ready to dive into yourself and heal/ explore ALL THAT YOU ARE, then look no further.”

- Wendy

“This was literally life-changing for me. The person walking out was not the person who walked in. I am more grounded, confident, intuitive, aware, aligned, peaceful, connected, and strong. I have a whole toolbox of exercises and guides and meditations and ideas that I can turn to now in times of trouble. I am so much more full.”

- Tadja

“It’s been difficult for me to write a testimonial for Shannon, I think because I’ve been trying for the last few years to put into words how special of a human she is and have always come up short! I often describe my life as before meeting Shannon, and after meeting Shannon, because truly, meeting her opened my eyes to a life of possibilities and deep deep healing. Shannon has an incredible ability to show you your healing potential, but also your profound wholeness and beauty just as you are. She can hold space for the deepest of wounds (and maybe even more importantly) she is a practitioner that will continuously remind you that you have a choice to choose joy every moment of every day. I have had the absolute pleasure of starting the Womb Alchemy course around the same time as my Shamanic apprenticeship, and it has been so incredibly powerful for me. As someone who has struggled what feels like her whole life with healing childhood trauma, sexual abuse, pelvic pain, depression, relationship woes- I can say that this course has been monumental for me. I have spent the last few months getting in touch with my body, getting to know my womb and all the incredible power that she holds. This program allows you to connect to the rites as well as offers real life embodiment practices and a community of support. 

I would recommend Shannon, and the Womb School, to anyone and everyone who is looking for love/community/support as well as for those looking to change the entire trajectory of your life - her work is all of that and more.”

- Chelsea

“Shannon is the real deal. Working with her has changed my life and it's an investment I would make again and again.”

- Ashley


The greatest investment you can make is in yourself and your soul! You show up for yourself, the Universe will show up for you, too.

This is a deep, devotional investment in your womb, your womb health, your pleasure, and your growth as a powerful creative being. There is no greater gift to your body and your soul than to open to your womb and her wisdom.

Investment in the Womb Alchemy School: $211 per month

There are no refunds for this program, nor can subscriptions be canceled. By subscribing to the Womb Awakening School, you are entering into a sacred container and committing to paying the full amount throughout the length of your subscription.

Optional ECSTASY investment: Join the Womb Alchemy School and receive the teachings within the community, plus receive 2 individual sessions with me per month, to deepen your womb study. This extra investment is for the woman who is committed to opening up to her womb presence and power, and desires one on one guidance during this process. In our individual sessions, I will personally guide you to receive the womb rites. We will move through the womb rites in 6 months together, instead of 12 (meaning you will receive 2 rites per month). I will journey with you to each rite, helping you receive and integrate it. After each journey, we will spend the rest of the session discussing the rites, performing integration techniques, and using Shamanic journeying techniques to bring the elements of your womb to life.

Choosing to work with me in one on one mentorship to receive the womb rites is a journey that will safely guide you to heal deep shadows, trauma, limiting beliefs, and unearth old energy living in your body that is holding you back from your highest expression of self. Our one on one work will also teach you how to embody gorgeous pleasure and creativity in your life. Expect our sessions to include soul retrievals, Akashic journeying, somatic experiencing, and cathartic discussions.

By joining this container, please be ready to talk openly about the womb, sexuality, and the body. We will be talking openly about anatomy, orgasm and pleasure, sexual blocks and desires, and working together to bring you into a state of beautifully expressed ECSTASY, within your body, energy, relationships, and entire life.
Investment: $555 per month for 6 months.
This includes access to the Womb Alchemy School for 6 months (includes the weekly group calls) + Telegram access with me, Monday through Friday. Sessions will be approximately 90 minutes in length.
At the end of the 6 months, you are welcome to join the group membership at $211 per month, or extend the ECSTASY mentorship. Details will be discussed on a case by case basis.