Shamanic Journey to Sacred Sexuality
The Journey to Sacred Relationship
A 10-week group journey to learn how to embody your sacred sexuality and open the portal of your womb.
Enter the Shamanic Journey to Sacred Sexuality, led by Shannon Amrein, a trained Shamanic womb healer, and be guided through a journey of radical, multi-dimensional womb initiation.
This is for the women who are ready to learn to live in devotion to their yoni.
For the women who desire to be resourced in their sacred sexual energy.
For the women who wish to be led by their feminine energy and their sacred desire.
This is for the women who are ready to shed layers of conditioning and fear around their sexuality, and learn to be in relationship with this sacred aspect of themselves.
This is for the women who are ready to be in loving relationship with themselves, with others, and with the world.
And, this is for the women who wish to reconnect to divinity: to the divine within and around them.
What is sacred sexuality?
It is the wildest, purest, most divine expression of your life force energy. It is the power of creation. It is the innate expression of self that magnetizes the gifts of life to you. It is the power of the womb - that which created EVERYTHING.
Your sexuality is a gift. A world where you live in your fullest expression as a wild, sensual, sexual being, is a world where we can heal.
An open, healthy, creative, magnetic womb space is your birthright. This is the energy your body and womb is MEANT to function in. I'm here to show and remind you HOW to live in this energy - all the time.
What is shamanic womb work?
You will learn to connect with the primordial, ancient, earthly essence of your womb, as well as the cosmic, all-encompassing energy of your womb. Via shamanic work, you will learn how to embody both of these essences for your highest healing.
Shamanic womb work teaches you to acknowledge, process, and transmute old pain, while also accessing the depths of your power.
Shamanic womb work also teaches you how to live in devotional relationship with your womb and her cycles. This work opens up a world of possibility, inviting you to fully inhabit your body and all aspects of your sexuality, which is the key to living a fully expressed life.
The fears around sacred sexuality and doing this work:
If you feel frightened about doing this work, know that you are not alone. Working with our sexual energy can feel like the scariest work we can do, because we have been taught for our whole lives to hide it away. This is a clever form of suppression. Feminine energy and sexuality is so powerful, that it has been "safer" for the patriarchal norms of our society to shame it and hide it away. NO MORE. Your womb energy is a PART of you. It is your life force energy. It deserves to be seen and celebrated.
And: it’s actually not scary at all once you start. It’s liberating, exciting and full of so many gifts!
Sexuality is not some intimate key meant to be kept locked away and hidden. This is religious and patriarchal framing. your body is not something that needs to be locked away and saved for the right time, person, or place. This is patriarchy and misogyny, and this is not the true understanding of the womb and the power she holds.
To lock away the womb and sexuality is what has kept women's magic locked away for so long. It was and continues to be the most ingenious form of oppression perpetrated by organized religions and patriarchal ideas. To guard your body and your sexual expression does not come from truth, it comes from oppressive conditioning.
Things to contemplate:
If you do not feel connected to your womb or sexuality, if you are fearful of experiencing sex and pleasure in your body, then you're fearful of yourself. If you keep your body + womb closed off, guarded, out of fear, you are closing off your vitality. If you are continually choosing to stay guarded and closed off, you are choosing your contractions and old patterns.
For change to happen externally and internally, you must be connected to your womb. If you are disconnected from your womb space, you are playing out ancestral and collective patterns of oppression, not breaking your ancestral patterns.
If you have pain in your vulva, uterus, ovaries, or pelvis, there is nothing inherently wrong with your body. There's something to be healed in your spirit / soul. Anything that is wrong with the body can be traced back to an imbalance in the spirit or the energy body. The real reason is deeper than a medical diagnosis. It's in your spirit. It's in your womb. It’s in your connection to the most divine part of you: your sexuality
Sexual expression is the gateway to our fullest expression of self, to our divinity. There is a reason that modern religions demonize this type of expression, placing limits on women’s bodies and creating judgements for healthy sexual expression. It’s because when we are connected to this part of ourselves, we are truly free. We cannot be controlled.
With womb connection, we listen to our truth above and beyond the truth of any other person or organization. We listen to our body’s wisdom above and beyond anyone else's. We reconnect to our wild, free roots. To the parts of us that are inherently un-tameable. The parts of ourselves that are our truth. This is the power of being connected to your womb and sexuality.
The womb is always the answer. Fibroids, cysts, painful periods, the uterus being in the wrong position, fertility difficulties, low libido, etc, these are not normal. Common does not equal normal. These are symptoms of a disconnect from your sexuality, vitality and life.
Together, we will explore:
The 8 portals, or gates of the womb
Ways to embody and integrate sacred sexuality into your life
The wounds and gifts of the priestess archetypes
How to embody the gifts of your sexuality
Creating union with yourself and making space for union with a partner
The divine portal created by sexual union
The yoni as divinity
You will receive:
10 Weeks of Group Support
There will be 10 2-hour long weekly group calls, and access to me via our Telegram group in between sessions, 5 days a week.Access to all replays via a private Thinkific course platform + access to a Telegram group chat with all members of the course.
Access to bonus meditations, pdf’s, and more as we journey through the course together.
Start date: Tuesday, January 7th, 2024. We will meet on Tuesday evenings, time TBD based on what will be best for the group.
This is an invitation to join me for a potent introduction and immersion into Shamanic Sexuality.
Because the most powerful energy we have access to lies within our own bodies.
Between our legs.
Within our bellies.
The yoni and the womb will be our guides.
I invite you to place your hands on your lower stomach/womb space, and invoke: "Here and now I clear and disconnect from all suppression and oppression present in my womb space. I disconnect from all systems designed to keep my womb lifeless and unenergized. I call in my power and sovereignty now. And I ask for my womb to activate and show me if this course and this work is for me, now."
Want more info? Watch the video below!
Investment for the group container only: one time payment of $1111, or 2 payments of $600 each.
*Extended payment plans available if needed - please email to inquire.
Ready to join?
Sign up below:
Some important notes:
All sales are final. Signing up for the program is an energetic agreement between us and is an empowering act for you to step into your own healing. All live calls will be recorded and you will have lifetime access to the replays.
This program does not constitute medical, financial or therapeutic advice. All work that we will do is energetic. You are responsible for working with your medical, financial teams or therapist at your discretion. By entering into this container, you understand and acknowledge that this work is not medical care and does not take the place of medical care.
This is not a therapy group or a place to “trauma dump”. We will absolutely be sharing and healing together, so vulnerability and openness are encouraged, but if you are taking up too much air during sessions, you will be redirected so that every person is safe and getting space, and so that the teaching material can be prioritized.
Shannon reserves the right to refuse admittance to anyone who does not feel like a fit for the program. She also reserves the right to terminate your participation early if you create a harmful or unsafe environment for anyone else.