What is a soul retrieval

What is a soul retrieval?

Your most common questions — answered.

Hello friends and welcome to the blog. It’s been about a month since I published a new post - where does time go?

November was such a busy month, in the sense that it brought up some deep emotions that I needed to withdraw into and release. The eclipse season we’ve just moved through also made this even more intense - which at least means that the energy is sped up and I was able to move through it with support! With all of that healing and processing, I didn’t have much energy to write blog posts. But now I’m back and today I want to write about Soul Retrievals - what they are, how they work, and why they’re so powerful.

The reason that this topic is on my mind and heart is because this modality of healing is what has supported me more than ANYTHING else in moving through tough energy, emotions, memories, etc. Soul retrievals are genuinely the most powerful healing modality that I have ever found or been trained in, and have been instrumental for me in moving through everything I’ve experienced over the last month or so.

So let’s dive right in.

  1. What is a soul retrieval?
    First and foremost, a soul retrieval is a form of shamanic healing. It is deep, it requires training to do properly, and it is incredibly powerful medicine. You should never accept a soul retrieval from someone who has not been trained in how to perform one. Shamanic work is not something that should be taken lightly. Without proper shamanic training, you cannot do this work. Anyone who cannot share the training they went through with you is not practicing healthy, loving, safe, shamanic work. While I have been a shaman in many other lifetimes, I still went through an intensive 9 month shamanic training to learn how to do this work safely in this lifetime. That’s to say, having past lives that you or someone else remembers as a shaman is not enough to BE a practicing shaman in this lifetime.
    Now that you understand the importance of shamanic work and the training it takes to do this work properly, let’s get back to what a soul retrieval is. This form of healing is based on the idea that throughout our lifetimes, we leave little pieces of ourselves in places, situations, traumas, abuses, etc, that happen to us. We generally leave soul pieces behind inadvertently, and we don’t even realize they’re gone because we’re so used to walking around without access to our full energy. A soul retrieval is performed by a shaman who goes and journeys for you to find the places, in this lifetime and others, in your ancestral line, in your experiences, where you have left behind pieces of your soul, or energy, or where pieces of your soul have been trapped and unable to reunite with your body. It is important to note that soul pieces can be trapped, by darker energy usually, which is why a shaman needs proper training to be able to retrieve those pieces safely and completely.

  2. What happens afterwards?
    Once your soul pieces have been retrieved, they will be energetically returned to your body, and you get to integrate them into yourself. Most people report a sense of wholeness, renewal, and deep emotion when integrating soul pieces back into themselves. It is often an emotional experience, because these pieces have likely been missing from your energy for a significant amount of time. Once you have integrated the pieces in (which normally takes at least 3 weeks), most people find that their energy increases, and that whatever problem, block or issue caused them to seek out a soul retrieval in the first place, is cleared.

  3. What kind of problems, blocks, or issues can you heal with a soul retrieval?
    SO MUCH! There’s an endless amount of things we can tackle and heal with this modality. Here are a few of the most common ones:

    1. Money issues — often money beliefs come from your childhood, ancestral line, and past lives. We can integrate back in wholeness around money so that you can leave behind the old fears/blocks/struggles.

    2. Health issues — health issues are always related to emotions. With a soul retrieval we can integrate everything back in together.

    3. Abuse/Trauma — anything that you have experienced in the realm of abuse or trauma (emotional, mental, physical, sexual), almost always results in soul loss, and enormous healing can take place when we reintegrate those soul pieces. I speak from experience — soul retrievals have helped me heal from and release past abuse more than any other modality or therapy ever has.

    4. Limiting beliefs — this can encompass almost anything, but any limiting belief generally comes from a place where we were shown or taught lack - which often leads to soul loss. So reclaiming those pieces = leaving old beliefs behind.

  4. Why is a soul retrieval so powerful?
    Because it goes straight to the source. In a soul retrieval, the shaman finds exactly where the original soul/energy loss happens, and brings that energy straight back to be integrated into the body. There is no guessing, or maybe this will work, maybe it won’t, going on. Soul retrievals are direct, to the point, and allow healing to happen from the ROOT, which is why they are always so deeply powerful.

  5. How do you know if you need a soul retrieval?

    Do you feel resonance with what I’ve shared here? Do you have limiting beliefs or traumas you can’t seem to get past? Do you have blocks that never seem to move no matter what kind of energy healing or therapy you do? If you feel a YES to any of those questions — you most likely need a soul retrieval. If you want to experience one now, take a look at my soul retrieval session here.

Any more questions about soul retrievals? Leave them in the comments and I’ll answer them for you! And keep your eyes peeled — I have another blog post coming soon about a soul retrieval I just had done for myself!


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