Akashic Quantum Healing

Akashic Quantum Healing

Are you wondering what IS my proprietary method of healing in the Akashic Records, Akashic Quantum Healing, all about? How does it work? Why would you want to learn it? Well, this blog post is for you! Read on for all the answers.

To start, let’s answer the question: What is Akashic Quantum Healing?

Akashic Quantum Healing (AQH for short), is a way of healing using the 23rd and 27th dimensional fields of the Akashic Records. I downloaded the AQH process in 2020 to use for myself and clients. This process is exactly how I use energetic work and the Akashic Records to heal myself. When I downloaded the process in 2020, I put together the ways that I had healed myself in the past, went into the Akashic Records, and worked with the Council of the Pinnacle in the 23rd dimension to combine all the things that I had done before into one simple, streamlined process that I could share with the world. Akashic Quantum Healing works by finding the energetic root cause for any issue that is going on, and then using various techniques to release that energy. It is incredibly powerful, and has been life changing for many of my clients.

Next, let’s tackle the question: Why would you want to learn how to read the 23rd and 27th dimensional Akashic Records and Quantum Heal yourself and others?

The answer is simple. Because the Akashic records hold a wealth of information and healing energy and power.

To expand upon that, you would want to learn the AQH process because: 

~Quantum healing in the Records is one of the easiest and most effective ways to release old energies and traumas. Including Past lives, Ancestral energy, Collective karma, and Inner child wounds.  

~You’re meant to be here as a healer (feel that deep resonance in your soul where you know that to be true) and this is one of the most powerful modalities that you can learn in order to fulfill that soul mission. 

~Quantum healing has changed not only my life but my clients life’s too, and I want to teach you EVERYTHING so that you can help spread the impact of 23rd & 27th dimensional Akashic healing. 

~That little tingle you feel in your spine, that feels like excitement and anticipation? That’s your body telling you that this is your Path. That you are meant to be here. 

How widespread is Akashic Quantum Healing?

So far, I am the ONLY person in the world doing this exact work. 

I have taught a few clients how to read the Records in the 23rd dimension, and how to use AQH. However, I have since downloaded further information and started adding the 27th dimension of the Akashic field into the AQH process. I haven’t taught anyone else how to do this additional step before, which makes the process even more powerful.

I’ve been waiting for it to be time to share my work with the collective.

That time is finally here. It’s time to share it and make it widespread. 

You are invited to join me. 

Join the Akashic quantum healing movement. 

HEAL is open for enrollment now. Join us in HEAL to become part of the first ever round of Akashic Quantum Healers!


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