Healing gluten intolerance using Biomagnetism

Healing Gluten Intolerance Using Biomagnetism

I used biomagnetism to heal my gut after over a decade of being unable to eat gluten.

At the age of 14, I found out that I had a severe intolerance to gluten.
I couldn’t digest any food I put into my body. I was constantly bloated and in pain. After months of searching for an answer, a gastroenterologist decided to run some tests to see if I had celiac disease.

I had one of the genetic markers for celiac, which led to an inconclusive diagnosis. So I had an upper endoscopy performed, where doctors looked at my small intestine to see if the villi were destroyed or not. This is a clear marker of celiac disease - if the villi of the small intestine are damaged when a patient has been eating gluten, then a diagnosis of celiac can be given.

The villi of my small intestine were absolutely fine.

And so I was sent home with a diagnosis of severe gluten intolerance. Later I had allergy testing done and was diagnosed with a wheat allergy.

And then I found out I had late stage chronic Lyme disease.

More than 2 years of antibiotics later, I found biomagnetism. I went into remission, and I was healthy.

But I still couldn’t eat wheat or gluten.

I’d hoped that when the Lyme pathogens were cleared from my body, I would be able to eat gluten again. Sadly, this was not the case.

Until I became a biomagnetism practitioner myself.

Once I had the power of biomagnetism at my fingertips every single day, I dove deep into finding a way to heal my gluten intolerance. I did parasite cleansing (using the magnets!), I researched magnet pairs to support my body in healing its intolerance, and I did a major gut reset using biomagnetism.

Within 2 months, I could eat gluten again.

My fridge now has a place for a loaf of bread and the pasta in my cabinet is made from wheat flour.

I now walk into any restaurant I want and can order any food I want, because I know I’ll be able to digest it.

I no longer have any symptoms. I do not bloat, I do not have digestive issues such as loose stools or constipation after eating gluten, and my skin does not break out from it anymore.

I have no brain fog, no achy joints, no swollen extremities from eating gluten (all symptoms I had in the past).

I am completely symptom free.

Thanks to biomagnetism.

What is something you’d love to heal in your body? Let me know below!


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