What is it like to be a Shamanic and Akashic healer?

being an akashic shamanic healer

To do this work
You have to REALLY WANT it

One of the ways I describe my work is that I hold sacred space where people share their deepest secrets, worst experiences, most traumatic life events, and then those people trust me to hold their hand and guide them through those experiences into a place of healing and empowerment.

And because I walk with people through their darkest nights, I also often have the honor to be present in their lightest, happiest moments as well.

There is a lot of duality in this work. It is immensely beautiful and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
And there are days it’s really damn hard. When I collapse on the coach at the end of the day, emotionally worn out but so satisfied with the healing I was able to facilitate, be it Akashic, shamanic, biomagnetic or otherwise.

HEAL: Become an Akashic Quantum Healer, is for those souls who are ready to walk this journey of healing and empowerment with me. For those who are ready to support others in their hardest times, and celebrate their biggest wins. Akashic healing is next-fucking-level energy work. It is not for the faint of heart.
It IS for the dreamers, the ones here with a mission to HEAL, a mission to help shift humanity for the positive, a mission to make a MONUMENTAL difference in people’s lives.

I’m offering this as a sacred invitation, calling forward the souls who are ready for this. As I’ve said before, it’s time.
The world needs this work now.
Don’t wait until a “better time”.
There is no better time than now. Because we need you.

Reach out for details about the next round of HEAL or to be put on the waitlist to join us as soon as it opens again!


Why work with me?


Healing gluten intolerance using Biomagnetism