This is a space to share about all things healing. This includes Shamanic work and practices, healing from disease and trauma, connecting to the womb space, meditating, Earth Akashic healing, and more.

I started this blog when I was very sick with Lyme disease, and it has evolved as I've grown, healed, lived, and learned.

Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

Why work with me?

I have undergone significant training to do this work. I was initiated onto this path when I healed myself from Lyme disease. I have since been initiated into the Akashic Records (by my guides in the 23rd, 27th, 32nd, 48th, 72nd and 111th dimensions), completed a Shamanic apprenticeship, birthing me into my full power as an earth, star, womb shaman in this lifetime.

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Shannon Amrein Shannon Amrein

What is it like to be a Shamanic and Akashic healer?

To do this work

You have to REALLY WANT it

One of the ways I describe my work is that I hold sacred space where people share their deepest secrets, worst experiences, most traumatic life events, and then those people trust me to hold their hand and guide them through those experiences into a place of healing and empowerment.

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