You are God/Goddess’s miracle

You have been on quite the journey to land here, right now, reading these words.

You have been shaped by your life and experiences, experiences that have opened you to your gifts, your dreams, desires, destiny.

You know that you are powerful beyond measure but you may have trouble fully accessing that power. Perhaps you feel the knowing of that power in your soul, but you haven’t yet been able to pull it forward into your body, your embodiment.


ECSTASY is a movement. It is a movement of healing, pleasure, and embodiment. It is a movement of reclamation of self.

When you step into this container and join this movement, you are claiming your reclamation. Claiming your ecstasy.

Let’s look at the definition of ECSTASY:

  1. “an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.

  2. an emotional or religious frenzy or trance-like state, originally one involving an experience of mystic self-transcendence. “

ECSTASY as a movement, a mentorship, a journey of self empowerment, draws its definition from both of the sentences above.

The ECSTASY journey is designed to guide you through your personal “mystic self-transcendence”, leading you to a sustainable feeling and experience of joy in your life, body, soul, and business (if applicable).

How will you discover and ascend on your journey of ECSTASY? Read on.

During your time in the ECSTASY journey, I will use my expertise and training to help you pinpoint what has been holding you back from feeling at home in your life, body, or business. I use my wisdom as a womb shaman to guide you into relationship with your body, pussy, and womb.

I will personally guide you through the 12 Shamanic Rites of Womb Alchemy. This is a mystical system of Womb Awakening that I have been gifted through my womb shamanic studies. As you journey and receive each rite, you will uncover deep aspects of your soul and identity that will change and upgrade your relationship to your body, womb, and soul.

Your potency, life force, and power that you have been looking for - it’s held in your womb.

As we work with the Womb rites, your womb force will come back online. I will teach you how to work with the force of the universe that is your womb, channeling your womb energy into everything you wish to create on this earth, in this life.

In addition, each month we will sit in a Shamanic soul session together. This session will be tailored to you each month, and may include shamanic healing modalities such as soul retrievals, shamanic journeys, star/cosmic exploration and development of your universal gifts, power animal reconnection journeys, and more.

Our third monthly session will be an Akashic channeling session. These sessions can be used to channel next steps for your life or business. They will be used as well to bring upgrades into your Akashic field and clear out old patterning and beliefs. Akashic sessions will also serve to help you integrate the womb rites you receive at the beginning of each month, as the Akashic records and the Womb share a special, beautiful connection.

ECSTASY will help you break out of the paradigms and limiting beliefs of what leading a spiritual life and/or business looks like. It will support you in creating the immense, beautiful, and life changing connection to your body and womb, your sacred sexuality and fertility, that you crave. This work will support you, your relationships, your soul work, your health and healing, and, in short, your entire life.

Shamanic Womb Awakening like you will experience in ECSTASY will, quite simply, change your entire life.

Building a relationship with your womb is the most important work you can ever do.

ECSTASY includes:

  • 3 60 minute sessions with me per month (18 sessions total)

    • 1 Womb rite session

    • 1 Shamanic soul session

    • 1 Akashic channeling session

  • Access to the Womb Awakening School for 12 months, which includes weekly community calls in addition to our 1:1 sessions

  • Access to me between sessions via WhatsApp (9-5 PM MST, M-F only)

  • Lifetime access to a 50+ page document which will contain information about your soul (astrology, human design, gene keys) as well as notes and integration techniques from each of our sessions.



You may pay in full at $6,000.

Or pay in a 6 month payment plan of $1111 per month ($6666 total).

Pricing returns as outlined below April 15th.

You may pay in full, at $8000.

A 6 month payment plan is also available, at $1400 per month ($8400 total).

Sessions are held via zoom.

Cancellations or rescheduling is not permitted more than 24 hours before each session.

A testimonial from a past Shamanic Womb Alchemy recipient:

From the moment our paths connected 3 years ago, working with Shannon & her body of work became a non-negotiable in my world. She is the ONLY shaman I work with & work with consistently. Her depth of knowledge & wisdom, coupled with her experience, is unprecedented & unparalleled with anyone else in her realm of expertise. I am extremely discerning around who I work with & who I allow to have access to my field - Shannon, is without a doubt, one of the most trust worthy & honourable women I have ever been blessed to work with.

The womb rites have gifted me with the most profound results & transformation. I have worked with the womb space for a couple of years now and this initiation has allowed me to Deepen my connection with my womb my pussy & the divine inner union energies. I have way more confidence in my truth, in my body and I feel another level of embodied safety & peace that I hadn't felt in a long time.

Knowing that i was in very capable hands - knowing that I had guidance & support if/when I needed it. Knowing that having already built such deep trust with Shannon, there was more openness & willingness to surrender and descend even more into the womb - journeying to unfamiliar territory in a way that felt exciting.

Don’t think about it.... this isn't a decision you make with your logical mind - this is a decision you make with your womb & pussy and if you're already contemplating taking this journey - then it's likely the decision has already been made .... all you have to do is trust it 🤍🙏🏼We will follow the path of Womb Shamanism, diving first into the darkness, or gestation, to prepare for the transformative process of (re)birth.

Continue reading for more information about the 12 Rites of Shamanic Womb Alchemy:

We will start our journey with the first 7 rites, where you will be guided to descend to your depths. Within these rites, you will be able to finally let go of the old stories, patterns, traumas, and beliefs that no longer serve your growth. This first half of mentorship will take you deep into the process of release, surrender, and transformation.
As we move through each rite, I will teach you somatic and energetic practices to integrate each one, as well as ceremonial or ritual work to incorporate to fully meet and embody each rite.

We will then move into the process of integration and creation, moving through the next 4 rites. Through the work and practices built into these rites, you will learn how to ground your body and soul into your highest potential timeline and reality.

Finally, we will move to the 12th rite and the ceremonial steps beyond for our final few weeks. These rites will support us to seamlessly move into the (re)birth process, where you will learn to step into your soul gifts and medicine.

This is potent work.

This work is about how to do shadow work and healing while building your connection to your inner fire, your cosmic light, and your highest potential: your sexual or life force energy.

The Womb Rites are rites of sexual empowerment and growth. The somatic practices I will teach you will require you to learn to work with your body, with your pussy, and with your sexuality, to embrace and accept all parts of yourself; because the most potent work happens when we tap into our font of life force and sexual energy.

ECSTASY is about reclaiming the ancient wisdom held within the pussy and womb, and using that to heal and transform your life.

This is Shamanic work.

This is earth work, womb work, pussy work.

This is sexual healing and reclamation work.

This work may bring you into your darkest depths, but it will also awaken you to the highest expression of your SOUL.

Your womb + sexuality are your gateway to your soul: your transformation is linked to your sexual expression.

Through this mentorship, you will learn how to embody and own your unique sexual energy, allowing it to shape and transform your life and personal medicine.

Plus some bonuses of this work: you’ll learn how to have better orgasms and sex, with yourself and partners!

Note: this mentorship is open to anyone regardless of your connection or comfort with your sexuality. All that I ask is that you are open to do the practices I teach you because they are integral to the work and healing available in this container.
This means that you must be willing to learn how to touch yourself and become intimately acquainted with your vulva, vagina, breasts, stomach, legs, etc (your whole body, in other words!). Whether you are totally new to self touch work, or you’ve been doing it for awhile, this mentorship is open to you, as long as you are open to learning this work. It is an integral part of the womb shamanism path and healing process.

That being said, these womb/sexuality practices are how I have healed from major sexual trauma and disconnect. These are trauma informed, and safe shamanic practices. You will never be pushed beyond what you are capable of, and you will learn how to safely push your boundaries and drop deeper into your sexuality and womb.

Investing in mentorship is a radical act of self-love. You're telling your body and soul that you're ready to claim your empowerment, and it has the support it needs. The truth is, growth and healing happen faster when we have support.

Your responsibility in this container is to show up in integrity, be open to working with your ego and to moving through this ECSTASY journey, and to set aside time every week to integrate and practice the techniques we work with within our calls.

You will get out of ECSTASY what you put into it.

Agreements for entering ECSTASY:

  • This mentorship does not constitute medical, financial or therapeutic advice. All work that we will do is energetic. You are responsible for working with your medical, financial teams or therapist at your discretion. By entering into this container, you understand and acknowledge that this work is not medical care and does not take the place of medical care.

  • All sales are final. Purchasing a healing container is an energetic agreement between us and is an empowering act for you to step into your own healing.

  • You will be sent a contract prior to submitting payment that will outline these agreements and must be signed and returned before we start.

  • Sessions must be redeemed within 6 months of purchase and are held via zoom.

  • Cancellations or rescheduling is not permitted more than 24 hours before each session.

Ready to learn more? Book a discovery call below to apply!



I am a Shamanic practitioner, trained in the lineage of contemporary Star and Earth Shamanism.

My lineage combines the traditions of the old world with the knowledge of how to use them in modern life. I am here embodying the ancient and future cosmic and earth wisdom - so I can share this healing power with you, in this body, this life.

I have undergone significant training to do this work. I was initiated onto this path when I healed myself from Lyme disease. I have since been initiated into the multi-dimensional Akashic Records as a Record Keeper, completed a Shamanic apprenticeship, and delved deep into the teachings of Womb Shamanism, birthing me into my full power as an Akashic Womb Shaman in this lifetime.

I take my work very seriously and am committed to helping you discover your gifts and healing. I specialize in helping you reconnect to your life force using your connection to your Body and Womb, the Elements, and the Stars, the most powerful energies that exist.

As a spiritual teacher who is deeply connected to the Earth, her wisdom, and ancient knowledge, I specialize in guiding my clients to a far greater depth of healing, understanding, and shadow work than they have ever experienced before. As someone who is trauma-informed, I am able to guide you into the deepest shadows you hold, in a safe way, so that you can finally release the old pain and stories that have been haunting you in this life.

As one of the few trained star shamanic practitioners in the world, I am able to bring you into the cosmos and introduce you to star knowledge, healing, and experiences that very few other people on this planet are able to facilitate. This means that I can guide you to reconnect with your star origins and guide you in downloading the answers from the star realms that are meant for you to use and embody in this lifetime.

Through my journey, I’ve learned and embodied many techniques in order to clear trauma and fear from my body, and connect to my inner sense of safety. This has healed me both physically and energetically. I will guide you through these same techniques and practices to support you as you reconnect with your soul essence and embody your soul gifts + medicine.

My soul mission is to help you step into your greatest gifts: to help you embody YOUR Soul Medicine. During ECSTASY, you will be guided build a connection with your life force energy, womb, and sacred sexuality, so that you can move through this world as your most empowered, POTENT self.