How I found my (energetic) medicine

I am a shaman.

I am an Akashic Record Keeper.

I work with the elements, the animals, the trees.

I heal the layers of the body and call in the highest self to embody.

I am a priestess.

I am a womb worker.

I bring forward the sacred sexual life force power of the womb space and yoni.

My medicine is Reclamation, Reconnection, and Embodiment.

I travel into other realms and dimensions, flowing in the river of wisdom and energy, to help you find and reconnect the pieces of your soul to yourSELF.

This is how I healed myself.

This is how I help you heal YOU.

And yet, how did I find my medicine?

How did I discover these parts of myself?

So often I get asked this question: how did I find my medicine? And how can I help you find yours?

To answer: I found my energetic medicine through my rebirth in the womb of darkness. You could call this a “dark night of the soul”. I prefer to call it a cosmic womb rebirth. I discovered how to reclaim myself when I was at the depths of illness. I found myself in an abyss - either I would choose to climb out, or I would choose to stay cocooned in, “safe” but unable to do a thing. And so I chose rebirth. I chose to move through my darkness, to start the long, arduous process of finding my shadows and facing their depths in order to burn away that which did not serve and rise from that experience. I have died and been rebirthed a number of times, each greater, deeper, more, than the last. Through this process I have alchemized the understanding, of how to guide this journey for others. Of how to know when, where, and how to offer my gifts. Of the power of allowing my life to be governed by my energy.

Finding my gifts, my medicine as it were, was not easy. It took time. Pain. Tears. Heartbreak.

That is part of the process.

But all that pain, those shadows, that heartbreak, it was all worth it.

Because it brought me to this place.

This place where I know exactly what my medicine is. Exactly what my gifts are. And exactly how to share those gifts, that medicine, with others. To heal them. To help them find their own gifts. To support them. To be in communion with them.

I discovered my gifts through the darkest of shadows. Now I work with the shadows, with the darkness, with the shamanic path, to bring the shadows to light. And I can only do this work because I’ve walked this path, been on this path, and learned to alchemize it from there.

How do you find your medicine?

You walk the path that is in fog, mist, darkness. That is shrouded in the unknown. You take the path less traveled, and you jump onto it feet first, no fear. No trepidation. Or perhaps with a lot of fear and trepidation, that you allow yourself to move through. Simply trust - trust which you cultivate in each moment of surrender - that you will be held as you dive into the depths of your soul. That you will find the answers - as long as you are open to truly receiving them.

Your medicine is YOU.

Just as my medicine is ME.

To find your energetic medicine, you must simply find yourSELF, first.

And so it is.


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