The Witch Wound

I was led from my home in the mountains in France, down to the village, and tied to a wooden stake, above a pyre. Condemned and burned, as a witch.

Clearly this happened in a past life. Several hundred years ago. But it lived in my body for my whole life, until last year. I was terrified of fire, scare I’d burn and die. Via a deep shamanic journey of reclamation, I brought myself back from this death, disconnected from this witch wound, and lost my fear of fire.

Another time, I met a sister in this life, and in our first meeting, we both remembered being hung during the Salem witch trials. Another witch wound, another fear of dying for expressing my gifts. Together we worked through this, to release the old memory of being hung.

And yet again, another memory shared with another sister, of being burned at the stake side by side during the Inquisition. Condemned for being women, which was enough to be synonymous with witch.

The witch wound is a collective wound all women hold, dating back through our ancestries and genetics to be held in our current bodies and incarnations. The witch wound is that fear that niggle inside you, worrying if you’ll be ostracized for speaking out or being yourself. It is the wound we hold that can make us fear being seen, fear stepping into our gifts, fear our spirituality, and fear going against the mainstream. The witch wound is also our most powerful tool. By tapping into the places where we hold fear from the witch wound, we can alchemize it and move through that fear to embody our fullest selves. Free of the weight of ancestral oppression.

I have worked with many, many women, and in every single one of them I have found the resonance of the witch wound. It looks different for all of us. Perhaps you too were burned at the stake and fear fire. Or maybe you were ostracized for using your voice and in this life you have a deep fear of public speaking. Perhaps you were hung in a past life and in this life you can’t wear turtlenecks (me!). Or perhaps you have a very difficult time allowing yourself to be seen. There are a myriad of different ways that the witch wound shows up for each of us, and no matter what, this is an incredibly important wound to shift through and clear.

How do you heal the witch wound?

You start by journeying into your past lives and ancestry, gaining clarity on where in your energetic and genetic being you carry these pieces of the witch wound. Through this journeying, you can heal and clear the old resonances with the witch wound, allowing you to move forward without the old energetic weight holding you back.

One of the best ways to do this work is via the Akashic Records. Your Akashic Records hold all the information about any witch wound energy you carry, and are a powerful place to release that energy from. I highly recommend checking out my course Healing Inside Out or any of my 1:1 sessions if you’re interested in clearing any witch wound resonance from your life.


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