The Secret to Healing

energy healing

The secret to healing?

Choosing life.

So many people come to me, ready to try one last thing on their healing path. They’ve tried EVERYTHING. And nothing has worked, nothing has stuck.

And you know why nothing has worked? It’s always the same answer.

Anyone who it struggling with healing and having steady, consistent results is struggling the same thing. They are always struggling with the fact that they are not choosing to be here. They’re not choosing to actually live a life. They are stuck on the path of healing, without any momentum to actually get off the path and start living.

And once these clients work with me, and they make the choice to enjoy life… guess what? They heal. They make quantum leaps. They experience huge shifts. They realize it’s all possible. All their dreams—they’re here for them to grasp.

We can get so damn caught up in the search for healing that we forget to actually figure out what a healed life looks like.

We forget to remember that we are here on earth to live, not just to heal. And then we get stuck on the healing hamster wheel, looking for the next thing to try, looking for the next “magic cure”.

And if you aren’t choosing to be here, if you are just chasing a cure or a healing moment, you won’t find it.

Because true healing is a choice. And that choice starts by choosing to start living. Not just healing anymore. But living.

You may know my healing story. If you don’t - go back through the blog and the About Me page. You’ll find it there. What’s important in this context is this: I did not heal, until I CHOSE to. I tried all the therapies. I went to all the doctors. I chased all the cures. I healed when I finally stopped. When I decided I wanted to live and create a LIFE, without the heavy old stuff hanging around me. I continue to operate this way. When an old trauma or emotion comes up, I don’t heal it by chasing all the modalities. I heal it by doing some Akashic Quantum healing or Shamanic work, and then I chose to let it go. I chose to be free and safe from that energy. To be sovereign and move past it.


And it becomes so damn easy once you understand how to make that choice.

If you’re ready to learn how to do this for yourself (because it is a learning process. It’s easy, but you have to learn to do it. That’s my specialty, is teaching how to heal, how to do it quickly, and how to do it easily), then 2 1:1 mentorship spots are opening up next week.

In these spots, I teach you how to CHOOSE to live. To be here. To enjoy your life. And to heal.

The transformation from these containers is always mind blowing.

Reach out if you are interesting in experiencing this for yourself.

And read the testimonial below to get a glimpse of what this work is like.


Who is Biomagnetism for?


Why work with me?