Important Reminder for our Perfectionists

One of my favorite things I’ve ever channeled is “you cannot fail if you try”.

I’ve channeled several variations of this message for clients, groups, and myself for several years now.

And each time it’s such a brilliant reminder.

We are so scared of failing that many of us never even start. I can relate to being a perfectionist. If I am going to do anything, I want to do it “right”. I want to go all the way and finish every detail. This can be a powerful tool, but it can also be completely debilitating. Because, I put so much pressure on myself. Whenever I start something, I have that voice in my head that is pushing me and pressuring me. I have felt so many times that when I didn’t finish something, I failed. Or, I feel scared to take a leap and try something new, because what if I fall on my face?

But what if, instead, you decided to live with the belief that you CANNOT fail?

That by trying, you are succeeding?

That life isn’t about guarding against failures—it’s about learning to accept them gracefully and keep trying.

And therefore keep succeeding.

Everything is a success — because you tried it.

How does that feel to sit with?

Failing is a made-up human concept. Our society has put rules and guidelines around what a success is and what a failure is. But, truly there aren’t any rules around this. You succeed by living a good life. You succeed by trying new things. You succeed by going after the things that excite you and light you up. It is not about a finished product. It is about you living the life you want to live, each and every day.

For those ready for more, ready to truly see and experience that life is a beautiful success, in any and all ways you show up for it — at the time that I am writing this, I have 2 mentorship spots available. These are sacred containers where we deep dive, together, to find your healing, magic, purpose. I am with you every step of the way. So many of my 1:1 clients have become dear friends — because of the depth at which I meet you in this container. The safety, healing, and soul growth that is facilitated in this space is profound and life changing. It is a space where trying is all you need to succeed beyond your wildest visions.

Blessings to you my friends! And remember, you cannot fail, if you try!


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