Real Talk about the Spiritual Coaching Community..

The spiritual coaching community can be manipulative af.
For a space built out of the proclaimed goal of moving through and releasing toxicity
It can very easily become one of the most toxic spaces to be in
Because, people on a spiritual journey tend to enter a place of self-righteousness.
Saying that they’ve done so much work
Which leads to them not seeing their shadow tendencies that continue to shine through
The manipulation
The narcissism
The subtle put downs

Some of the most manipulative relationships I’ve chosen to be in (I say chosen because I gained so much growth from them) were with outwardly super spiritual people/often business owners.

Because of that self righteousness, which when unexamined, becomes a kind of blinder.

I’m sharing this to tell you, that as a spiritual business owner myself, the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to be super aware of who you put your trust in
Of who you work with
Of anyone who subtly tries to have power over you.
Because no one, spiritual coach or healer or whatever, should position themselves above you.
And the way that this happens is so subtle that it’s easy to miss. Sometimes people don’t even realize it’s happening.
Which is why, if you are looking to do spiritual work, take time to notice how anyone you consider working with shows up.
And notice how your energy feels around them.
Do you feel uplifted? Or slightly put down?
And afterwards, how do you feel?
If it’s anything less than GOOD, then that’s a red flag.

The spiritual path is beautiful and healing, AND it is very easily manipulated. Pay attention to who you let in your space and to how your energy feels! That’s your best benchmark to find the leaders and guides who are REALLY meant for you. They aren’t your leader, they are a guide. No one is above shadow work. No one is above self-improvement. No one is above the sword of truth. If you aren’t turning the sword of truth towards yourself, you’re entire life, you’ve lost sight of why we’re here. Not everyone may like to hear this, but you are NEVER done. There is always more to learn. We can always grow. If you’ve learned everything there is to learn, then you’d leave the planet. No one is better than anyone else. We are all equal in our power and worth. Some may just be further along the path than you are, that is all. That is really all.

My commitment to you as a healer and guide is to always show up in the highest integrity I can. To reflect to you the depth of your power, and to offer my work through my heart.

Always remember, anyone you go to for healing or knowledge or guidance, should make you feel GOOD. Yes, sometimes they might challenge you, sometimes they may cut through your BS, but you should feel the powerful love behind all of that. If it makes you feel small, it’s not serving you (or them) in this highest, and it’s time to turn towards something else.

So much love to all of you powerful, sovereign beings!


My Runic bind


Important Reminder for our Perfectionists