My Runic bind

runic bind

Why learn the Runes?

Read on to learn about my Runic bind!

On my arm, I have a Runic bind tattooed. A Runic bind is powerful magick, it’s a way of harnessing the power of multiple Runes together to create a strong energy.

My Runic bind was made from a series of Runes that were shown to me in a shamanic journey representing my “flag” or WHO I Am. It means (in short): “one who works with ancient energies, traditions, beings and in multidimensional ways, who is a traveler in all senses of the word, a protector and feminine guardian.”

The Runes included in this bind are Fehu, Raido, Algiz, Sowelo, Eihwaz. Fehu is a rune of feminine energy, Algiz is a rune of protection, Raido is a rune of travel, Sowelo is a rune of success and blessings, and Eihwaz is a rune of the fae and focus.

The way these runes work together creates the story that they tell - this is why a Runic bind is so powerful, because the story of the runes together creates a certain magick—in this case, “magick” refers to the combination of elemental, natural, and spiritual forces that combine within the energies of the Runes. This magick creates a tangible aura around the bind rune, which generates its considerable power.

Of course there are many ways I could write the interpretation of my bind rune - the interpretation can go much deeper than this, but that is the first layer of it.

Runes are powerful, ancient magick, with deep, grounding messages and guidance. The Runes call to your soul, to the wild, to the parts of you that remember your wild, free soul origin and roots.

In the same way to the Runes combine in a bind to create magick, they combine in readings to deliver potent messages, create strong protection, and connect you into the natural world and your highest self.

The Runes can be used in a divinatory way (like tarot), to create binds, to call in deep protection, and for so much more.

Their uses are multifaceted and their power is unparalleled.
That is WHY you should learn the Runes.

Early bird price for the Introduction to the Runes course is only available until Thursday! Price increases 4/14 💫

Learn more info about the Runes course here!


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