How does energy get blocked in the body?

Last week I talked about toxic relationships and how they can affect the body. This week, I’m going to broaden the scope a bit and delve in further. In other words, let’s talk about how energy gets blocked in the body! What kinds of energy cause blocks and why are those blocks created? This requires us to look much further than just our relationships, as those are just one piece of the puzzle. Let’s dive right in!

Let’s start with the obvious answer, that I’m sure everyone has already thought of. The type of energy that causes blocks in the body is negative energy. Low vibration energy. Energy that makes you feel anything less than wonderful about yourself. Emotional energy, physical energy, psychic energy from others around you, all of this can bring low vibration energy into your body. This energy could be related to relationships, work, family, your self-image, your STRESS, and more. Let’s touch on probably the most over-emphasized cause of illness in the body: STRESS. I’m capitalizing STRESS because it’s so important to pay attention to. It is not normal to say, “I’m so stressed that I barely sleep and I don’t have time for myself but look how much money I’m making or how much ‘work’ I’m accomplishing.” Let me say it again for those who aren’t listening: this is not normal. It is common in our society but it is not normal. Stress, chronic, long-term, never ending, slow burner, eating you alive over time stress is a not good, not something to be proud of and killing you. So often, people identify with their stress, and tell people around them BS sentences like the one I wrote above.

I’ve done this! In university, I felt like I was in a constant comparison game of “Who is the most stressed here? I better win!” and I massively over-identified with my stress. Today, I live purposefully to avoid stress as much as possible, (think less packed days, lots of yoga, meditation, movement, and constant work on the ability to let things go with the flow). When a friend or family member tells me how stressed they are, my first response is, “Stop.” Sleep. Relax. Unwind. Reconnect to yourself. Meditate. Get out of the rat race, get off the hamster wheel of life. Stop saying yes to things you can’t do and stop over-burdening your to-do list. If you don’t learn to manage your stress and thus the negative, low vibration it creates in the body, then you won’t have the bandwidth to tackle the rest of the sources of negative energy I’m going to discuss in this article.

One last thing about stress: I am certainly not perfect at managing my stress. I am a work in progress. I am currently suffering from severe adrenal fatigue; I did a hormone test six weeks ago which showed that at no point during the day did my body produce any cortisol. I am slowly feeling better, but only because I have drastically cut stressful things out of my life. I’m doing my best to embody what I’m writing here.

Now, let’s move on. Beyond the obvious reasons that negative energy might get stuck in the body, reasons that we can experience in this 3D world, what are some of the less obvious reasons? Less obvious, meaning, reasons that we cannot see or experience with our physical body. There are four possibilities that I am going to discuss. Remember, the reason this matters is that negative, low vibration energy, when it gets stuck in the body, manifests itself into pain, illness, or weakness. In order to heal your body, you must release the low vibration energy. Here are four root causes of negative energy to look out for:

  1. Ancestral Energy: We are all born with the DNA of our ancestors, creating our DNA. We do not and would not exist without this. Have you heard of intergenerational trauma and epigenetics? Go ahead and look them up if you’d like. Epigenetics is the idea that we are not our genes. Our lifestyle and choices impact our genes, meaning that just because we are born with the gene for a certain disease doesn’t mean we will develop that gene. If we live in the right way, we may be able to turn that gene “off”. Intergenerational trauma is the name for trauma being passed down, through DNA, from parent to child. Therefore, the trauma that your ancestors carried, if they never released it, may have been passed down to you, causing changes in your genes leading to illness, pain or other problems. This means that the pain you carry, may not be yours. It may be ancestral trauma that is still living in your body, and can be released.

  2. Karmic Energy: Everyone knows the term “karma” and the expression, “What goes around, comes around.” However, I am not referencing karma in the specific idea that, if you do something bad, then karma is going to make sure you get punished for that. This is a simplistic, and in my opinion, simply not true way of looking at karma. Karma is not a punishment. No, karma explains the promises you made, actions you took, or lessons you learned in a past life that are still affecting your present life. For example, I have had several experiences where I have been shown a past life where I died while giving birth to a child, and that child died shortly thereafter. I made a promise at the end of that life to suffer in my next lives to make up for losing, or failing that child. Hence, my struggle with Lyme disease. Once I recognized and released this karmic promise, my body released disease. To figure out your karmic reasons for energy stored in your body, you will likely have to do some past life work. This is an incredibly important step.

  3. What is your relationship to illness? Are you terrified of getting sick? Or were you terrified of getting sick before you got sick? Do you or did you see illness as an inevitability? If you answer yes to any of these, then it is likely you planted some of the negative energy, in the form of fears, around illness in your body. This allowed you to call in your worst fear. It’s imperative to do work around these fears if you identify with them, in order to release this negative energy you’re holding. Note, do not get caught up in blaming yourself. There is not room for blame here. This is about recognizing what has affected you, and doing the work to release that energy, regardless of who or what brought it in.

  4. Identifying with your illness: do you label yourself with your disease? “I am a Lyme patient.” “I am a cancer patient.” “I have EBV, tick borne infections, etc.” If you consider your illness to be a defining point of your identity, or really, any part of your identity at all, then you are identifying with your illness, inviting the negative energy into your body, and making it very difficult for your body to heal. This is a major reason, as I’ve mentioned in a previous post, that I took a long break from this blog and, by extension, from the Lyme community. I used this platform identify with my illness, and I felt a surprising loss of identity when I went through healing. I found that being too involved in the chronic illness community allowed me to get too caught up in identifying with my illness. This is something I still see, however I no longer allow myself to pay much attention or to engage. This is unhealthy behavior that is keeping you in the mindset of being sick, and thus keeping you from healing. This may sound harsh, but it’s true. If you identify with your illness, for example by saying, “my Lyme,” acknowledge that, accept it, and then give yourself so much love, because you’ve been on a long, painful journey, and identification is a defense mechanism. Then, slowly start unpacking and disengaging from the identification and see how you feel. It’s worth it, I promise!

Whew! That was a lot to digest. These root causes of negative, low vibration energy in the body, if left to fester, are likely to manifest into pain and illness because this is the easiest way for the body to recognize and deal with the pain they cause. Now, you may be wondering, “How am I supposed to release these energy blocks now that I’ve identified which ones I may be dealing with?” First off, sit in meditation and allow yourself to sink into your body. Call upon your ancestors and ask them if you are holding trauma from them, and if so, what? Ask yourself if you fear or identify with sickness. And ask yourself if there are past-life reasons for your illness. I would also recommend doing some past-life regressions (which you can find for free on YouTube), and guided meditations to help you connect to your body. Once you’ve identified your energetic blocks, tell them goodbye and release them down into the earth. Release the energy out of your body. It may help to have affirmations you say to yourself as you do this, such as, “I release this [ancestral energy] out of my body,”.

If you are interested in having guidance exploring energetic blocks in your body, let’s work together!


Clearing Ancestral Trauma to Heal


Toxicity in the Body