Why I do Womb Work

The story that led to me offering womb healing work

I didn’t grow up learning how to take care of my body or trust my cycle. I was a competitive runner, which meant that I trained so much and ate so little (obviously not good) that I would go months without a period. Eventually my doctor put me on the pill to “regulate” so I would bleed every month. I was so out of touch with what was healthy for my body hormonally that I accepted the pill without hesitation and continued to use it for several years.

That all changed after I got diagnosed with Lyme disease. At that point in time my first LLMD made me switch to a long term internal birth control. The reasoning behind this was that the oral antibiotics I was taking would mess with the efficacy of the hormones in the pill, and would also be incredibly detrimental to a fetus, so if I were to get pregnant accidentally while taking these medicines, it would be terrible all around. At this time I was 19 years old and didn’t really know any better than to just accept what the doctor said - now I would fight back because in hindsight, it was messed up that a male doctor refused to treat me without governing what kind of birth control, if any, I was on. That was and is incredibly invasive and did not help my body heal at all.

Anyway, I first got the implant and kept it for a year. During that year, the implant gave me a year long period and eventually, incredibly severe anemia. It wasn’t until I was so anemic I could barely walk that my doctor (still the same man who was fired from my care team shortly after this for his incredibly questionable practices) acknowledged that the birth control was not helping and agreed to continue treating me if I switched from the implant to an IUD.

So I went off and got a copper IUD (hoping to avoid hormones this time). Unfortunately, the way a copper IUD works is by creating so much inflammation in the uterus that it is not hospitable to a fertilized egg. Knowing now what I do about healing, that is a terrible thing to put in the body, but again, at the time, I was just getting sicker and sicker and this was the only way doctors would treat me with antibiotics.

Within 6 months of the IUD placement, I went to see my GYN who found that I had a cyst on my left ovary (something completely abnormal for me). We decided to follow the cyst and plan surgery for when my school semester was over. My doctor ordered blood tests for ovarian cancer (which was terrifying to go through at 20 years old), and throughout that semester I was in the ER 4 times because of the pain from the cyst. Eventually, this massive cyst on my ovary popped 2 weeks before I had surgery scheduled to remove it (and right before finals) - however the surgery went ahead so my doctor could explore for endometriosis (thankfully negative).

A couple months post surgery, another cyst started to grow. Again, we followed it for 6 months, again waiting to do surgery until I had a long enough break from school.

This cyst was different though. The first cyst was fluid filled, and so when it burst, although it was terribly painful, my body could absorb that fluid into itself. The second cyst was what is called a dermoid cyst, meaning it was filled with hair, teeth, and other tissue. This would cause complications if it burst inside my body, making it extra important to keep an eye on it.

In an attempt to avoid surgery, my GYN put me on several different birth control pills (while still on the IUD), searching for one that might make the cyst shrink. Unsurprisingly, this did not happen.

At the same time, I started pelvic floor PT, because the constant trauma from the cysts on the left ovary, the pain, the constant internal ultrasounds (those are invasive and painful, especially when your whole pelvic area is inflamed from a cyst) was taking its toll. My pelvic floor was inflamed, the muscles were in a state of hyper contraction, and I developed vaginismus (essentially nerve pain in the entire vagina/vulva area). PT helped some - we started to work on breaking up the fascia from the first surgery - but it couldn’t take away the pain in my body from the inflammation and growing cyst.

Fast forward to a week before spring break, when the cyst started to make me sicker, causing excruciating pain, extreme nausea, and the inability to eat/keep food down. I finished classes on Friday afternoon and felt major warning signs from my body that it was not okay, so I drove to my parents house and ended up in the ER on Saturday night with my mom to get checked out. At first, in a classically infuriating way, the doctors dismissed my pain, saying the cyst “couldn’t be that bad.” Then once they performed their own ultrasounds they were astonished I was even able to walk around and had been living with this cyst for so long. It was so large and the risk of ovarian torsion was so high that I was scheduled for emergency surgery where both the massive cyst, my obliterated left ovary, and the copper IUD, which was most likely the culprit, were removed.

After that surgery, I stopped using hormonal birth control and started tracking my cycles (over 5 years ago now) to try and heal. As written above, throughout the journey with the cysts, I had been put on and off different hormonal pills to try and shrink them, which led to vaginismus, pelvic floor dysfunction, and a nonexistent sex drive. Plus the scar tissue from the surgeries caused excruciating pain in my stomach and pelvis. I continued to work with the pelvic floor PT for a few weeks to break up the scar tissue from surgery #2, as I balanced my hormones out, getting to know my cycle, my temperature fluctuations, and how my body worked with its natural rhythm.

And so started my journey of womb healing.

Because I found that the pain from the scar tissue and vaginismus lingered for so long, I noticed that I was unable to have a normal sex life, as a result of the constant pain I was in, internally and externally. I was already learning how to do spiritual work for myself, so I started to slow gather the courage to dive into the trauma stored in my body. Over the next few years, I faced the sexual trauma I experienced in childhood and college, I cried through and healed the trauma from the surgeries, and took herbs, supplements, and used biomagnetism to balance my hormones.

Then, I learned how to talk to my womb, to my pussy, to connect to my sexual energy as MINE and not someone else’s. I learned to talk to my body and release old energy and trauma.
And I started to heal.
I went from irregular periods to ones like clockwork.
I went from extreme pelvic and vaginal pain to the point where sex of any kind was excruciating, to completely healing that pain and experiencing ecstatic pleasure.

I no longer have uncontrollable bloating. Nor do I live in excruciating pain. The scar tissue in my stomach and pelvis hasn’t hurt me in nearly 2 years (after daily pain. I used to have to hold and apply pressure my left abdomen during sex to keep the pain from being too much to continue. I no longer have to do this).

My cycle is something I love and respect.

I learned how important my womb space is and learned how to tend to her daily to keep her healthy.
I learned how to help others heal.
I decided to follow the calling to offer the womb healing work I’ve discovered, learned, and used over the past 5 years to those who wanted it.
Because womb work has changed my life.

My creativity is pure, balanced and flowing.
And my womb space is powerful.

A few years ago, I would not have believed that I could be here, healed, pain free, and in full connection with my womb.

If you want to feel that way too, then reach out.

How is your womb space?

Book in for a womb healing package to step into your path of deep womb healing yourself.


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