Why Bridge Earth and Cosmic Energies?

This is the way we access multidimensional healing.

The kind of healing that shifts our reality - that allows us to sink into our lives and bodies with a greater ease, understanding and connection to the cosmic world around us.

Earth healing is created by grounding into the body, working with the elements, the earth, our “human-ness”, our mind, our traditions, our ancestors, and our ancient knowledge.

Cosmic healing is cultivated through exploration of the soul, past lives, and other dimensions and worlds within us and around us. It is cultivated by our willingness to go deeper within ourselves, and to go further into the energies and dimensions that make up our existence. It goes beyond simply reading a prayer to enter the Akasha, or following a ritual or ceremony to connect into your soul history.

Cosmic healing is cultivated by a willingness to go beyond the outer ego trappings (like, focusing on the “starseed”, past lives, the old stories of self) and into the connection between the earth, the body, and the cosmic energy that animates us.

We don't just read the Akashic Records for cosmic healing - we connect to them, become them, move through them, shift old stories and create a path for ourselves to walk forward through our lives, unencumbered by old energy.

Cosmic healing uses the 23rd+ dimensions of the Akasha, completely unlike anything else that exists in our human consciousness at this time, to bridge the cosmic aspects of our souls with the earthliness of our bodies - so that we can heal in all dimensions, all timelines, all lifetimes, at once.

The perfect healing journey (if such a thing exists ) blends the earth and the cosmic together.

The earth is the bridge to the cosmic. Until we have arrived into our earthly existence and healed our separation and abandonment wounds around being human, we cannot move into the cosmic in a healthy, balanced way. Of course, we can connect to cosmic energies anytime, but in order to be able to actually USE that energy, to actually HEAL with it, we have to start right here at home.

This is often the missing piece in healing work. It's common to dive into the cosmic immediately, because it seems like so much more fun. But then, despite the work we do, we find that we are still stuck. That's because we are skipping out on earthly healing. Without a deep connection to our bodies, we cannot integrate these cosmic energies into our cells, into our nervous systems, and into our physical lives.

Earth is the bridge to the cosmic. We have to start with one before we can truly experience the other.

I’m going to share a story about what this can look like.

When I went out of remission from Lyme disease a few years ago, I decided to approach my healing in a very cosmic way. I taught myself how to channel, and I started to journey into the stars to learn what information was held there. I learned so much about my cosmic connection, but very little actually shifted in my physical reality. I was still sick.

So, I took a step back. I continued to explore the cosmic, but I also started to explore the earth/human side of myself. I learned how to ground in my body and discovered that I had perhaps NEVER truly been in my body.

I learned how to meditate. Not just to journey to the cosmos, but to journey into my body to speak to it and hear it's voice.

I taught myself to connect to my ancestors and their earthly, grounded wisdom.

And I continued my other spiritual work - the channeling, connecting to the stars, and to the dimensions beyond what I could see with my body.

Within 3 weeks of beginning to bridge the gap between the earth and the cosmic energies within me, I was fully back in remission. I was healed. Lyme no longer tested positive in my body, and it hasn't since.

By learning how to be on the earth and connected here while experiencing the cosmos, I was able to heal and shift my entire life.

This is just one example of how it benefits us to combine the earth + the cosmic for full healing. We must acknowledge and work with the human side of us, the part of us that is here, in a body, on this earth, in this moment. And we must work with our soul, our past lives, our connection to the universe - in other words, our cosmic connection - because it also holds deeply important information about our soul journey and the path we are on.

Full healing requires both.

That is why Earth Akashic Healing focuses on bridging the gap between the earth and the cosmos, and that is why the Earth Akashic Mystery School contains courses with tools to use to help you access and heal your earth connections AND your cosmic consciousness.

Learn how to cultivate a relationship with your human + spiritual self, so you can live in a state of ease and flow in this world. Create a deep connection with your body, the earth, and the magic available in your human form. Build a loving relationship with your spiritual side, with your guides, ancestors, and soul medicine, with the Akashic Records and your soul path. This combination is the foundation of true healing and creating the life your soul desires.

Move from being ruled by your fear, shadows, and past self, to learning how to healthily embrace and transmute your old stories and patterns.

Stop looking to others to heal you, and discover your unique healing power inside of yourself. I encourage you to join Earth Akashic Mystery School, if you feel called. If not, explore your relationship to both Earth and Cosmic energies. Where are you more comfortable/uncomfortable? Can you create more balance?


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