This is a space to share about all things healing. This includes Shamanic work and practices, healing from disease and trauma, connecting to the womb space, meditating, Earth Akashic healing, and more.
I started this blog when I was very sick with Lyme disease, and it has evolved as I've grown, healed, lived, and learned.
That Suffering is Not Yours
The pain, suffering, trauma, etc. that you carry,
Is NOT yours.
Message about Lyme Disease and Pain + a Meditation
Today’s post will be a shorter word wise, because I have two audios to share with you. The first is a channeled message from the Akashic Records about PAIN and what it is here to teach us. While this message was channeled specifically about Lyme disease, I believe that the information the Pinnacle shared applies to all pain. So if you’re here and you don’t have Lyme disease, I encourage you to still listen to this message because there is information here for anyone who experiences pain.
Energy, Illness and Meditation
Several months ago, I took a six week meditation course where we learned how to identify energies in the body, those that belonged and those that did not, and how to release them.
Start your journey
Connect with me to start your RECONNECTION Journey