That Suffering is Not Yours

The pain, suffering, trauma, etc. that you carry,

Is NOT yours.

It may have happened to you.

Or it may have happened to your ancestors.

But it’s not yours.
It doesn’t have to be carried on in your body or energy.

In fact, nothing is yours. You are an energy connected into a universal consciousness. Everything you receive and feel is a lesson, a reflection, or a place for soul growth.

But it is NOT yours.

And when you can truly realize and accept that - that’s when you can truly heal.

Humans like to make everything that happens about them. To make themselves or their ego feel better or more seen. But the danger to this is, humans grasp onto and perpetuate their own suffering by making everything “theirs”.

It’s a totally natural thing for the human ego to do. But it definitely doesn’t help you in the long run.

All of my major healing moments have been from reaching a place of deep ego death and realizing that nothing I’m carrying is mine. My heartbreaks aren’t mine. My emotional, mental, physical traumas are not mine.
They happened to me - they are not part of me. As long as they are part of me I cannot truly heal from them.
So try this for yourself. Think of something you’re healing. And then play around with the idea - “it’s not mine”.

Want more in depth guidance on how to do this? Join Earth Akashic healing level 1, starting tomorrow, where I’ll be going into depth on how to do this for yourself.

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A Channeled Message from The Council of the Pinnacle


You are your own best healer.