The Womb Rites

Understanding the Sacred Rites of the Womb from Ancient Avalon

I have spent several years receiving the “Shamanic Rites of Womb Alchemy” from the shamanic tradition of ancient Avalon and compiling them into a palatable and accessible program.

These womb rites were once used prolifically, and were intended to open each and every recipient up to the ancient power of the cosmic womb that lives within each of our bodies.

Their reappearance on earth via this work signals a time that calls for a great collective reconnection to the power of the womb. This post will share with you a brief description of each womb rite, designed to help you feel into the potency that arrives from receiving the full initiation process.

There are 12 rites, which bring you on a journey through the womb, through the cosmos, and through yourself + your partnerships.

Below are the 12 rites. As you read through them, I invite you to tune into their energy and your womb, asking your womb if you are ready to receive these rites. If you are, I have a program starting in September where you will learn to journey with these rites and I will teach you to activate them within your body. Reach out via the Contact button above if you’d like to join!

The Shamanic Womb Rites:

The Rite of the Sacred Lover: seeing yourself in the mirror and wanting to ravage yourself; because your essence is your own turn on, because you treat yourself and your partner(s) with the same reverence, because the art of sacred sexuality is indeed that - an art.
Womb magic unfolds when you learn to see yourself and your partner(s) as unbreakable pieces of the same starlight. Pure magic.

The Rite of the Sacred Yoni: The rainbow of the cosmic yoni explodes through you, teaching you how to seed the creation of your desires within the universe around you and the lovership within you.
The yoni is the original creator of all. A powerful reflection of the universal womb, your yoni holds powers yet untapped, always untamable, and part of your divine feminine birthright to receive. A sacred, honored, and turned on yoni will change your life.

The Rite of the Sacred Lingham: The universe is like a lover, wanting desperately to penetrate and engulf your consciousness and being with its abundance, support, and magic. Where can you open to receive this bounty in your body?
The womb opens like a flower when penetrated lovingly; the rite of receiving.

The Love Synastry: A true Kundalini activation, creating an explosion of connection that opens up your cells to receive and embody higher dimensions of consciousness.
The portal to the siddhic states of enlightenment and soul expression.

The Rite of Heart Healing: Deep heart healing arrives from the energetic interconnection of the heart and the sacred yoni or lingham space. Your heart opens and explodes in prismatic waves of color and love, attuning you to higher and higher frequencies of expression and intimacy.
The heart needs life force energy to open; life force energy needs heart connection to bloom. The sacral and heart spaces are irrevocably intertwined.

The Rite of Sacred Relationship: A blasting open of the throat chakra, beckoning you forward to speak your truth to the world. The vibration of truth that is created within sacred relationship attunes you to speaking only your truth into the world from now on.
Your truth is your integrity, just like sacred relationship can only be entered into from a space of integrity.

The Rite of the Cervix: Becoming aware of the ancestral and past life pain held in the cervix is the most powerful initiatory experience available. Once you see the great energetic job the cervix has, it is your calling to support your cervix in opening, releasing, and healing. This is the portal to the greatest pleasure imaginable.
Opening to cervical pleasure and orgasm allows for total rewiring of the nervous system and cells.

The Rite of Sacred Marriage: A sacred soul bond, with yourself and/or with another. An origin of the myth of twin flames, because the souls who choose to accept this rite become very connected to each other and enter into a beautiful union and mirroring of each other.
A Sacred commitment to yourself and those you hold in your womb, committing to the utmost honoring of all.

The Rite of Loving Worship: Worshipping the body and light of yourself and your partner. Seeing the codes that you hold and that others hold as the ultimate medicine and seat of cosmic wisdom. Surrender and service to the other and their womb wisdom.
Loving worship allows the wisdom of the cosmos to shine through your being.

The Rite of Ejaculation: Honoring the sacred release of the body. The divine waters created by the body are nourishment for life, and as such, when attuned into their energetic vibration, are great activators for our cellular nourishment.
Ejaculation is not just physical, it is also a divine reflection of life.

The Rite of the Bleeding Womb: The deepest reflection of the cycle of death and rebirth comes from the womb journey every month. Honoring the bleed as the end of a cycle and the signal for the start of a new adventure. Honoring the bleed as nourishment for the earth and a prayer for the end of pain and suffering for all.
The Bleeding Womb is a reminder that nothing is permanent, that all can and will cycle through life and death.

The Rite of Cosmic Creation: Full reflection and mirroring of the divine womb of cosmic creation. A portal to creativity and manifestation. The divine within your body.
Sacred connection is required for the full cosmic creator within your womb to ignite and flow.

If you felt the tingles and activation in your womb space simply from reading these words, then the Shamanic Womb Alchemy course this fall may be for you. Comment below if you’d like more information!

Blessings to you my friend.


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