Shamanic Womb Oracle

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The womb awakening in this eclipse portal

This eclipse energy.

Wow it's intense.

I haven't slept properly in a couple of days, because this energy came in so strong, and I just keep lying awake at night, channeling for hours.

So much is coming through.

So much rebirth is in process.

This is a truly incredible time to be conscious and aware of the energetics of the world around us.

However you're feeling this eclipse, I encourage you to take time today to rest, relax, and breathe into your body. Become aware of what is shifting, changing, falling away, or rebirthing for you.

Who do you want to be?
Who are you becoming?

Last night, I went up to the top of a mountain near where I live, and I moon bathed, naked and one with the moon and nature (in 30 degree weather!!!).

As I allowed the moonbeams to penetrate my body, absorb into my skin, come into my BEing, I felt such profound awakening and understanding flood through my body and into my womb.

I've been reflecting on this work I do, and wanted to share some insights that came to me during my moon ritual last night.

Why do we do this work? How is it helpful?

We are on earth for one reason only: joy.

There is literally no other reason to be on this planet. Everything we have constructed in our society is a distraction - it takes us away from joy. We are here to live as fully as possible. Think about the world we live in. How many people are actually living in joy? And then compare that to how many people are waking up each day, spending 40+ hours a week in an unfulfilling job, struggling to make enough, if any, time for the things they love?

Which reality do you live in?
More people are living in the second reality than the first.

And so more people than not are not living in a state of joy. They are living in a state of survival, feeling dependent on the joyless system we exist in.

And yet, what if there was a way to break out of that joylessness? What if there was a way to tap into the insanely creative power you hold inside, and create a life of joy, that looks however you want it to?
Thankfully, there is a way to do this.

The best way is via deep connection to the womb space.

The womb is literally the seat of joy.

The womb is the birthplace of creation.
The womb is the cup of ecstasy.

When we are connected to the womb space, we can create from a space of pure ecstatic creative joy.

We do this by connecting to and waking up our sacred sexuality.

Sexual energy is life force energy.

Sacred sexuality is the portal to opening our life force energy. When we open our life force energy, we can access the entirety of who we are, the entirety of our energetic selves.

And we can do this in the most pleasurable, joyful ways possible.

Sacred sexuality and womb work is DEEP.

This work will bring you face to face with your deepest shadows, especially the question of: where I close myself off to pleasure? Where do I close myself off to joy?
These are questions we must face if we are going to open up ecstatic, orgasmic, life force energy in the body. Because that kind of deep pleasure can often feel scary, unfamiliar, and brand new for us. To open into joy, we must open into the beautiful ecstasy of the womb space. And from that place we can co-create our most joyous life with the universe.

I'll be teaching you how to do this, and leading you through deep, ecstatic womb opening practices in the upcoming course: Shamanic Journey back to Sacred Sexuality.

To make this course as accessible as possible, I've put the course on sale, so the investment is $1111 pay-in-full or four payments of $333.

This course is a one time only offer (it's not going to be available again!) and it's hugely valuable: you'll receive 7 2-hour group sessions, 2 individual sessions, and 6 months access to the Mystery School with SO many extra resources there for you to take advantage of.

Let's build a life of JOY together.

See you in the womb portal.

Join here.