Shamanic Womb Oracle

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I was in a 9-month Shamanic Apprenticeship with Shannon. I wasn't sure all that this journey and container would entail, and was definitely a little scared going into it, but trusted that this was the space that I needed to lean into. The shamanic apprenticeship involved many deaths. Mostly they were energetic, egoic ,and emotional. I felt like I had a couple parts of me die throughout the 9 months, but these parts of me died because my true essence and evolution of who I am today needed to have space to finally come through. This isn't a journey that is meant for everyone. There are a lot of difficult things that not only must be done, but you will find out about yourself in the process. The journey may be physically and emotionally grueling at times, because just when you think you have gotten or addressed everything, something else will come through. But in this apprenticeship, Shannon guides you and teaches you the tools that you can use, in order to address these things by yourself. How empowering is that? To be able to look at the root causes of certain problems or things, and be able to address these things on your own? I think that is pretty powerful. Furthermore, as with any journey, there will be things that come up that may be difficult to process. You are in phenomenal hands. Shannon is truly a fantastic support system, and not only gives you the right tools, but empowers you to know how to use them. I am truly glad, for the person that I have become, coming out of this container.

~ Christina