The Key to Healing
If you want to change your life, first you have to figure out what old stories are playing in your subconscious.
Then, they can be rewritten and changed to benefit you and where you want to go in life.
But, you have to choose to do that.
Want to know when rewiring won’t work? When you don’t choose to accept it with your whole self.
That’s where so many people get stuck. They go to all the healers and guides and say, “It doesn’t work. Why doesn’t it work?”
It’s because there’s a part of them that WON’T let it.
Is that you? Where are you choosing to stay in your old story? What part of you is still identifying with the thing you’re trying to heal?
Until you choose to step out of victimhood and understand your story - and YOUR role in it - it will not change and be rewritten.
All healing is possible. But, it is 100% up to us and our beliefs if we are going to receive it.
When you work with me, I will have you look at your stories, your victimhood, and where you are choosing to stay where you are.
Creating healing space is about finding the old patterns and choosing to work through them.
It’s not fun to accept our responsibility in our healing journey, but it IS necessary. We have to understand that responsibility and then choose to make a change. It is always our choice.
The only person standing in your way
The only common denominator in your life, in your experiences, in your old patterns and triggers is you.
Yes, external events do happen and cause shifts and changes that we cannot control or anticipate.
But. the way we react to that and flow through those changes — that’s on us.
If you feel like there’s never enough money — that’s part of your programming that’s ruling your life.
If you feel like you can never reach healing — you will not do so until you open and decide to accept that into your life.
If you feel stuck/hopeless/unable to move forward — it’s your decision to shift that reality for yourself.
This is radical self responsibility. And it is life changing to experience. This post is not here to shame you, but to empower you.
You CAN do this. And you MUST choose it, with all of you. To do that, you have to understand what you’re gaining from staying the same. Be fearless, look at the whole picture, and stop hiding from yourself.