Shamanic Womb Oracle

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Connecting with the High Masculine Spirit and the Divine Feminine

Creating a strong connection with the masculine and feminine energies and spirits has totally changed my life.

Having a strong connection to the feminine has allowed me to learn surrender and peace, to learn how to step back and receive, to embody grace and poise in my life.

Cultivating a strong connection to the masculine has allowed me to create safety in my body, my life, my energy. It has allowed me to feel supported, protected, and loved.

Healing my connection to both energies has supported me in moving through some incredibly trying and painful times this summer, and I want to share this powerful healing connection with you too.

Over my years as a guide and mentor, I have discovered that we all need healing and balancing within our masculine and feminine selves. We are raised and taught in ways that disconnect us from the knowledge of the feminine, and the safety and order of the masculine.

Over the last 2 months, I have led 2 masterclasses designed to reconnect you to your divine masculine and feminine energies.

These masterclasses have been incredible, and I had so much fun in leading both journeys to different archetypes, gods, and goddesses so that everyone who received the masterclasses could connect to multiple examples of masculine and feminine energy.

The Goddess masterclass takes you on a shamanic journey to meet Hecate, The Morrigan, Isis, Mary Magdalene, Aphrodite, and Kali.

The God masterclass takes you on an Earth Akashic journey to meet Odin, Thor, Shiva, and Yeshua (Jesus).

These two masterclasses offer a wonderful insight into my work, the 23rd dimension of the Akashic Records, and the type of energy you'll learn how to work with in the Earth Akashic Healing Level 1 program.

For this weekend, I am putting both masterclasses on sale as a bundle. For $44 you can get the replays of both masterclasses (a 30% discount from their full price) + the PDFs on the Gods and Goddesses that were created for each class. You will have lifetime access to these masterclasses and journeys.

All Gods, Goddesses and archetypes are energies/beings that you can call in and communicate with. Each has their own gifts on offer. These beings can help us heal, they can support us in our daily lives, they can communicate messages to us, and so much more. Most people find that they have the deepest connections to one or a few of these beings, so it can be very helpful to go meet the different archetypes.

In some teachings, the “all of everything” is feminine and the “all of nothing” is masculine. Form is feminine and space is masculine. Body is feminine and consciousness is masculine. Soul is feminine and spirit is masculine. These are just a few ways of looking at these energies, but there is so much gifting to come from the masculine.

Spirit, consciousness, and divine wisdom can be accessed through masculine archetypes. We have a lot of hang-ups around the masculine in this day and age, but connecting to the Gods can walk us into some incredible territory.

There’s healing that can happen on all levels when we begin to heal our personal relationship with these energies.

Furthermore, many of us have been taught to be in our unbalanced masculine energy, and we have trouble connecting into the surrender and magic of the feminine. I believe it is incredibly important to shift this paradigm, and to make time to meet the light and dark feminine, connect to the energy of the your inner feminine, and create a strong tie between you and your feminine energy.

Ready to meet the divine masculine and feminine? Grab the masterclasses below!

Grab the Masterclasses here: